Reliable estate agent and letting agent in Marlborough

      Marlborough Branch

      T: 01672 514380
      T: 01672 514380

      106 High Street, Marlborough, SN8 1LT

      Opening times:
      Mon-Fri: 9am-5.30pm
      Sat: 9am - 1.30pm
      Sun: Closed

      Selling or letting property in and around Marlborough?

      As an experienced estate agent and letting agent in Marlborough, we sell and let all types of properties in and around this beautiful town.  From town centre apartments, listed properties and terraced homes, to semi-detached properties, new build family homes and stunning countryside estates - we’ve got you covered.

      With McFarlane you can depend on an exceptional estate agent service from a friendly and knowledgeable team who live and work locally. Local knowledge of the area and the Marlborough property market really matters to help you achieve the best price for your home.

      How can we help?

      No property found

      How much is my property worth in Marlborough?

      First step in selling, let’s find out the value of your property.

      It’s not hearsay…

      The best estate agent… never went with! We were one below in the chain for our move and McFarlanes (specially a lady called Jo) was the best progressor of a complicated chain we have ever seen. Jo kept the momentum going and we can’t thank them enough.

      James, Marlborough